Howard Saffold Bio

He was asked by the honorable Mayor Harold Washington, to head up the police security detail for this newly elected first Black Chicago Mayor in 1983. Howard took leave from AAPL to accept that assignment. He coordinated this team of Chicago police officers that provided protective services to the Chief Executive of Chicago until Mayor Washington’s untimely death in November, 1987. Saffold was then asked to serve in that same capacity for the honorable Mayor Eugene Sawyer who became the second Black man to serve as Chief Executive of Chicago. Howard eventually retired after twenty-five (25) years of service from the Chicago Police Department, in January 1991.
After earning a Baccalaureate(BS) Degree from Chicago State University and a Masters (MA) Degree in Urban Studies from Northeastern Illinois University (Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies CCICS) he became the CEO of a non-profit organization called The Positive Anti-Crime Thrust, Inc (incorporated since 1979) from 1991, and serves in that role today. Since serving that organization of professional and semi-professional volunteers, he has been the recipient of numerous awards and citations from both local and national organizations.