Prison Ministry Network

Recognizing the devastating impact the criminal justice system has on individuals, families and communities, and the limited understanding and resources available to address issues and propose/implement practical solutions, the Prison Ministry Network was formed.
- Developing the potential, within churches and their prison ministries, to deliver meaningful and practical services to at risk youth, incarcerated adults/youth and the newly released, as well as their families/support structures,
- Understanding the issues within the prison system and their effects on our community and,
- Advocating both directly and in association with like-minded churches, other faith based institutions and organizations, for changes that we deem necessary.
Comprised of many veteran prison volunteers, key church prison ministry volunteers, community activists and legal/law enforcement professionals, this “consortium” of organizations and individuals is focused on four activity areas:
Key Programs:
- Prison Ministry Network Training Center Capturing the “Best Practices” of prison ministry programs, we develop and deliver training, with the goal of energizing and improving the effectiveness of local efforts.
- Prisoner “Train the Trainer” Module Focused on basic skills and literacy, this program will train members of the prison population to perform basic training within the prison system.
- Volunteer Recruitment Speakers Bureau to gain visibility within the community, to inspire and recruit volunteers to this effort and grow volunteer participation within existing organizations.
- Communications and Marketing Focusing on the analysis of issues and the development of position papers and white papers (that present information in a neutral manner).
- Creation of volunteer ministries.